Saturday, 28 December 2013

Restore Old New Tab interface in Google Chrome

Recently Google free a brand new version of its browser "Chrome" that comes with several enhancements and fixes. one in all these enhancements is that the redesigned "New Tab" page.

The new tab page in remake of Google Chrome contains a giant Google brand together with Google search box. It additionally shows eight thumbnails of your recently or oftentimes visited websites.


Now many folks might need issues with this new modification.They asked for an answer to disable these websites thumbnails on new tab page of Google Chrome. thus these days during this tutorial, we tend to ar aiming to share an answer which is able to assist you in restoring recent behavior of Google Chrome's new tab page. it will take away Google brand, search box and regularly visited websites thumbnails from new tab page.

If you furthermore may need to urge the recent "New Tab" page back in Google Chrome browser, look at following easy steps:

1. you'll have to access the hidden secret "Chrome Flags" page to disable this new feature. simply kind chrome://flags/ in addressbar of Google Chrome and press Enter.

2. it will open Chrome flags page wherever you'll disable/enable several advanced options. Press "Ctrl+F" keys along to launch realize box and sort following within the realize box:

Enable Instant Extended API

It'll highlight associate choice with identical name.

Enable Instant Extended API mack, Windows, Chrome OS
Enables the moment Extended API that provides a deeper integration along with your default search supplier, together with a restored New Tab Page, extracting search question terms within the omnibox, a spruced-up omnibox dropdown and Instant previews of search results as you kind within the omnibox. #enable-instant-extended-api

The value of the choice "Enable Instant Extended API" would be set to "Default".

3. Click on the drop-down box and set its price to "Disabled".


4. At the top click on "Relaunch Now" button and once Google Chrome opens, you will now not see oftentimes websites thumbnails and Google search box up new tab page. you'll need the classic new tab page in Google Chrome.

Pictures Courtesy: AskVG

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