Everybody has now a profile on Facebook but some of them are known by everyone this is because you are not introducing yourself to everyone and not showing of your skills follow the following tips to get famous on Facebook in under 1 month
Fill About Section
I have seen many people that leaves the about box empty and complete all other things this is necessary for you to complete all the bio data to tell people what your are,where you work,where you from,where you live and etc etc.
Use Pictures
You have to Post Your New High Quality Pictures on Facebook Every Weekend So People Attract Towards You.
Add Your Work
Use Facebook Work at Option in About Section and Select The Company page Where you work So People From That Company Also Keep in Touch With You and Follow You.
Stay Updated
You Have To Post New Statuses on Happening Now or on new festivals so people are more likely to get in touch because you are posting something new and they also force to like the status or photo about current updates.
Make Your Own Page
Go on to your Facebook Pages And Select Create New Page Then Select Public Figure and Create your page with your own name and suggest the page to your friends so people are more likely to like the page and search engines also link your page and show what is in the page.
Add High Rank Profiles
Add people like singers or actors who opened thier friend request for public because when you comment on their status or photo people see you comment and may be hey add or follow you.
Add The Liker (Important)
This is the most important thing that you should know to increase Facebook likes free for this you first have to add people who get high likes on their pictures and status and click the like button of their post see all the people who like the post and know start adding these people don't add to many people only add those who are looking nice or having attractive name so when you add these people they will like you post it is 100% Guaranteed i use this way and getting 11 likes in 1 minute and about half an hour delay my likes go to 100s
Like & Comment on Other's Post
You also have to like and comment on others post so they also like & comment back also when you comment on the pist people send you request from there it will also increases your rank
Make Friends & Ask Them To Promote
Make some high profile people your friends so you can ask them to promote your profile this will also increase you followers and likes but don't ask too much if a person not promoting you and your asking them every day then he or she will block you and this is not a good point only ask those people who have a good friendship with you on facebook
Make your account on other social sites and link your Facebook account there so people on these communities also add you from there also make your blog on blogger or WordPress and keep updates in the blog also and add a facebook like plugin to the blog so the visitor come to your blog will like you facebook or follow your profile
Final Words
This is all the things you have to do to get famous on the facebook share this post to your friends also and if you need to ask something feel free to ask in comments.
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